
CSE 3802 / ECE 3431




ITE 119, Tue/Thur 12:30am — 1:45pm




Jinbo Bi

Phone: 486-1458

Email: jinbo@engr.uconn.edu

Office hours: Tue/Thur 2:30 pm — 3:10 pm

Office: ITEB 233


Anubhav Mathur

Phone: 908-210-1660

Email: anubhav.mathur@uconn.edu

Office hours: Wed 3 pm — 4 pm



The purpose of this course is to introduce a set of numerical algorithms fundamental to scientific computation, ranging from equation solving, function approximation, integration, difference and differential equations, to special computer techniques. Emphasis will be placed on efficient use of computers to optimize speed and accuracy in numerical computation, and extensive digital computer usage for algorithm verification.


Prerequisites: CSE1010 (Introduction to Computing for Engineers), CSE1100 (Introduction to Computing), MATH2110Q (Multivariable Calculus), MATH2410Q (Elementary Differential Equations) and MATH2210 (Applied Linear Algebra). Those without such prior backgrounds should contact the instructor and get her permission to register this course.


The required textbook for this course is

Numerical Methods for Engineers, 6th Edition, S. C. Chapra and R. P. Canale. (ISBN: 978-0-07-340106-5, ISBN: 007-340106-4)


The conceptual and theoretical course contents will be delivered primarily in the lectures, complemented by readings from the text book. You should review readings prior to attending a lecture, and review the readings again, along with any notes you took, after the lecture. Attending the lectures is not a substitute for reading the text in the book.


You are expected to attend all lectures. If you are unable to attend a lecture because of sickness or similar reasons, make sure you get the notes from a classmate. If you are out of class for an extended period of time because of sickness, notify your instructor as soon as possible, and see your instructor immediately upon your return in order to determine how to catch up. If you have missed a significant portion of the semester due to illness, it is recommended that you resign from the course.


You are strongly encouraged to attend the lectures. Attendance will be taken in class from time to time.


The grade breakdown is as follows. I reserve the right to make adjustments to the breakdown if I feel it is necessary.


  1. Assignments (6-7): 30%
  2. Midterm Examinations (2): 40%
  3. Final Examination (1): 30%




There will be a few homeworks which may need some Matlab coding. The purpose of these is to give you feedback on your understanding of the material, and to reinforce you concepts discussed in class. The assignment should be handed as a paper copy in the class the day it is due. Note that assignments handed in late will not be graded. We reserve the right to ask for your Matlab codes for clearer grading.




There will be two in-class preliminary examinations, carrying 20% and 20% respectively, together with a comprehensive final examination (30%) at the end of the term. Mid-term exams will be held on dates to be announced in lecture. The final examination will be given on a date to be specified by the University. Do not make travel plans for times during the examination period until the final examination schedule has been posted.


If you miss an examination because of sickness or similar reasons, visit a physician and obtain a note detailing the period during which you were medically incapable of taking the exam. Notify your instructor immediately via email or telephone (voice mail) if you are going to miss an exam before the exam takes place, unless medically impossible. See your instructor as soon as you return to class.


A HuskyCT site has been set up for the class. However, you must check the website http://jinbo-bi.uconn.edu/Fall2013_Numerical_Methods regularly for class materials, homework assignments, problem clarifications, and other class announcements. You should log in HuskyCT to obtain your grades.


We will follow the University Policy on Academic Integrity. For more information, see the related Student Conduct Rules. The URL of the UConn Student Conduct Rules web page is:




All academic work must be your own. Collaboration, usually evidenced by unjusti_able similarity in assignments, is never allowed. After an appropriate informal review, if any students are found in violation of maintaining academic integrity, sanctions will be imposed, which can be as severe as failing the course for reasons of academic dishonesty. Especially flagrant violations will be considered under formal review proceedings, which can call for harsher sanctions including expulsion from the University. If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding the policy, particularly as it relates to this course, please talk to your instructor.

Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity free from fraud and deception and is an educational objective of this institution. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarizing, fabricating of information or citations, facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others, having unauthorized possession of examinations, submitting work for another person or work previously used without informing the instructor, or tampering with the academic work of other students.


We will follow the University Policy on Incomplete Grades. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the contents of the related pages.


Generally, incomplete (“I”) grades are not given. However, very rarely, circumstances truly beyond the student’s control prevent him or her from completing work in the course. In such cases the instructor can give a grade of “I”. The student will be given instructions and a deadline for completing the work, usually no more than 30 days past the end of the semester. University and department policy dictate that “I” grades can be given only if the following conditions are met:


  1. An Incomplete will only be given for missing a small part of the course.
  2. An Incomplete will only be given when the student misses work due to circumstances beyond his/her control.
  3. An Incomplete will only be given when the student is passing the course except for the missed material.
  4. An Incomplete is to be made up with the original course instructor within the time specified by the appropriate University regulation (see appropriate document above), and usually within the following semester.
  5. An Incomplete will not be given to allow the student to informally re-take the entire course, and have that grade count as the grade of the original course.


Incompletes can not be given as a shelter from poor grades. It is the student’s responsibility to make a timely resignation from the course if he or she is doing poorly for any reason. The last day to resign the course is Monday, March 28.


If you have a diagnosed disability (physical, learning, or psychological) that will make it di_cult for you to carry out the course work as outlined, or that requires accommodations such as recruiting note-takers, readers, or extended time on exams or assignments, please advise the instructor during the _rst two weeks of the course so that we may review possible arrangements for reasonable accommodations.


The following is a tentative outline of the major topics we will cover in the course.


  •          Error analysis
  •          Roots of equations
  •          Linear algebraic equations
  •          Optimization
  •          Numerical differentiation and integration
  •          Ordinary differential equations
  •          Curve fitting
  •          Partial differential equations



Additional or less materials may be discussed in class, subject to schedule and class feedback, etc.

Jinbo Bi  2011/8-2011/12
Last revised: 8/22/2011